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Three inmates shot in attempted jailbreak

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Three inmates from Huye prison were on Wednesday night 23/01/2019 shot as they attempted to escape from the facility. The prison is located in Huye district in southern province.

The incident occurred around 9 :00 pm. The inmates were shot as they attempted to escape. They actually used ropes to jump over the prison fence and when wardens on duty tried to stop them by shooting in the air, the inmates resisted.

Upon ignoring the warning shots, the wardens shot at the inmates who succumbed to the injuries

Some other prisoners had tried to escape but the wardens managed to bring them back to the prison facility

The all inmates were convicts of robbery and serving carried sentences. One was convicted of armed and serving a 10 years sentence. Others were serving three and five years.

This is not the first incident where inmates had escaped from this prison. The last jailbreak from the same facility was in 2013 when four men escaped by digging a hole through one of the prison walls

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