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10th Anniversary of RCS: Change and growth in correctional duties

Friday 27th November 2020, Rwanda Correctional Service celebrates its 10th anniversary and was pleased to be able to relatively register remarkable improvement in different fields related to its mandated mission in these 10 years of existence

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Friday 27th November 2020, Rwanda Correctional Service celebrates its 10th anniversary and was pleased to be able to relatively register remarkable improvement in different fields related to its mandated mission in these 10 years of existence.

Rwanda Correctional Service was established in 2010 on Law No34/2010 of 12/11/2020.

In his remarks, the Commissioner General of RCS, CGP George Rwigamba, said that the past ten years have been defined by change and growth in corrections purposively to equip inmates with survival life skills to enable them to lead crime free life upon release and breaking the offending circles.

RCS has established modern technical and vocational training (TVET) centers in 5 correctional facilities and equipped them with modern equipment so as to equip inmates with modern skills that will enable them to compete favorably on the job market when they are released from custody.

“Infrastructure development was given priority and a lot has been done with view to improve inmates’ detention condition by reducing overcrowding. To increase the holding capacity, new prisons like Rwamagana, Rubavu, Nyarugenge, and Nyamagabe were constructed while the existing old ones such as Huye, Ngoma, Bugesera, Musanze and Muhanga were renovated and expanded.” CGP George Rwigamba stated

NABAHIRE Anastase, Justice, Reconciliation, Law Order Sector Secretariat Coordinator in Ministry of Justice, the representative of Ministry of Justice in the ceremony, has applauded RCS for working safely, increasing physical capacity, and educating inmates the needed skills which will be in need after being released.

In these 10 years, the number of prison guards has increased from 1060 to more than 2000 up to now. Furthermore, personnel development was and is still of central importance to RCS so as to improve the ability of staff to perform their functions effectively, efficiently, and sustainably.

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