The training was delivered by Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) at Rwanda correctional service (RCS) Headquarters to RCS officials in order to prevent loopholes and fraud in public procurement process.
RCS officials, who meet with public procurement process in their daily duties, attended the training for sharpening their knowledge.
The representative of RPPA, Mr. Arsene NSABE, appreciated RCS Officials for being zealous in public procurement training.
“in the beginning of this training, there was a level of knowledge on public procurement process you had. Today, your level of knowledge was increased through this significant training. We are requesting you to use that knowledge in your everyday duties regarding public procurement process.” Arsene said.
he told all RCS Officials not to hesitate to contact RPPA whenever assistant needed
DCGP Jeanne Chantal UJENEZA showed courtesy to RPPA and all attendees.
“I am expressing my gratitude to RPPA for delivering this meaningful training on our staffs. We shall be more thankful if your working behavior in public procurement changed in a positive way. The knowledge you gained, use it in preventing loopholes and fraud in public procurement process.” DCGP said.
The training begun on Monday 02nd March, 2020, and closed today Friday 06 March 2020.
Attendees in a room training was delivered following the trainer.
Deputy commissioner general of RCS DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza talk with attendees and give them closing remarks
those are RPPA Trainers on how the procurement process should be and how they could avoid loophole in that process.
altogether they took a remembrance picture with Deputy General Commissioner an trainers