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Justice | Correction | Safety and Production
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Marked every year on March 8, this year RCS celebrated International Women’s Day at  Musanze Prison located in Musanze district, Northern Province.

Marked every year on March 8, this year RCS celebrated International Women’s Day at Musanze Prison located in Musanze district, Northern Province

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Female inmates exhibited some of their works like; tailoring, mushrooms farming, hairdressing, pedicure, manicure, and bakery. They appreciated RCS and its stakeholders for encouraging them in vocational training, and assured to use the gained knowledge in development of their family, after being released.

Some of two women who had finished their sentences were given some materials by CARITAS Byumba Diocese which is a core partner of Musanze Prison. Those materials are tailoring machine, and materials used in hairdressing.

Deputy Commissioner General of Prison, Jeanne Chantal UJENEZA, admired the female inmates’ courage after being shown their works.

 “I really appreciate your courage in vocational training. Please use the knowledge you gained from here when you finish your sentences, and always remember your incomparable role and responsibilities in families and communities. To be imprisoned does not mean you are worthless, that’s why distinguished guests are here today to celebrate this significant day with you the knowledge  you gain here use it in economic development  of your family .” Said DCGP

DCGP also gave thanks to RCS stakeholders and various leaders for coming to celebrate this day in Musanze Prison. She acknowledged the role of stakeholders in correction and healing acts.

Axelle KAMANZI, Vice Mayor of Social Affairs in Musanze district, and a guest of honor, appreciated RCS and its stakeholders for taking into account female inmates.

“Thanks to RCS and its partners for considering female inmates, today, we are acknowledging the role of women in the development of a country, evaluating what have been achieved, and what can be done in enhancing their rights for achieving sustainable development.” She said.

Axelle also said that the Government of Rwanda promotes Gender Equality and women’s economic development, particularly HE Paul KAGAME.

Women from RCS, released women, Priests, Pastors, RNP representative, RIB representative in Musanze District, Vice Mayors of Gakenke and Musanze district, attended the event.

women in Musanze Prison presented a poem which appealed to the emotions of the people who gathered on that day

Deputy commissioner General of RCS DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza

Female inmates at Musanze Prison .

L-R V/mayor Gakenke in charge of economic affairs, RIB commander of Musanze District attended the event.

 DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza alongside with Vice Mayor of Musanze District in charge social affair Madam Kamanzi Axelle.

CARTAS Byumba Diocese contribute 2 released, by giving them materials,like the hair dressing kits and  machine.

Some of the Old women were happy to attend their women’s day in prison

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