Rwanda Correctional Service has provided mobile money numbers for all prisons to the families of inmates that will help them in sending money, as the country is continuing to strictly observe the prevention measures of COVID-19 announced by the government of Rwanda.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person through people who are in close contact with one another, through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. Those droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby an infected person.
Recently, RCS has announced that the visit of inmates is postponed within 21 days but the more COVID-19 become worse, the more Government establish strong prevention measures as to close social gatherings.
In so doing, RCS has provided MoMo lines to the general public that will help them to send money for their imprisoned relatives to Social Affairs Office at prisons; hence inmates will have the ability to buy what they need in a prison Canteen.
The available items in Canteen include fruits, milk, juice, personal hygiene products and breads.
When someone wishes to send money to the inmates, he/she will first have to contact Social Affairs Officer of a prison, telling him/her the amount of money he/she is going to send and the personal information of the inmates.
The use of MoMo Agents’ telephone number is not allowed if you are going to send money. All people are obliged to use their own telephone numbers by avoiding ambiguity.
The following are mobile money numbers for all prisons: NYARUGENGE 0780119863; MUHANGA 0786010204; NYANZA 0783942081; HUYE 0783605648; NYAMAGABE 0782727337; RUSIZI 0781215555; RUBAVU 171717(MoMo pay); MUSANZE 0788658547 & 07802276620; GICUMBI 07878840020; BUGESERA 0780259737; RWAMAGNA 0786158661; NGOMA 0786461891; NYAGATARE 0738766926(Airtel money).
RCS informs all the public to beware people who will call them and ask for money for their imprisoned relatives in the name of this institution, and urges them to contact the nearest police station for assistant.

MoMo number to be used by inmates relatives in covid -19 period.