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The Minister of Internal Security hailed activities achieved by genocide convicts under community services in Rubavu District

During his last visit in Rubavu District on February 21, 2013 the Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Mussa Fazil HARERIMANA hailed the activities achieved by genocide convicts under community services. Accompanied by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Security, Ambassador Valens Munyabagisha, the Deputy Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service, DCGP Mary Gahonzire,

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During his last visit in Rubavu District on February 21, 2013 the Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Mussa Fazil HARERIMANA hailed the activities achieved by genocide convicts under community services.
Accompanied by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Security, Ambassador Valens Munyabagisha, the Deputy Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service, DCGP Mary Gahonzire, the Mayor of Rubavu District, Sheikh Bahame Hassan, the Army and Police representatives among others, visited two projects implemented by convicts under community services. Those projects include the road Kanzenze-Mudende (10,5 km) which was well rehabilitated and the project of cutting, paving stones and crushed stones, located in Kanzenze Sector, Rubavu District. Minister Mussa Fazil Harerimana congratulated those genocide convicts under community services for the different projects executed by them and he encouraged them to continue carrying out their alternative penalty to imprisonment as well as required.
Minister Mussa Fazil Harerimana also hailed Rubavu District for the various development projects prepared ; in which genocide convicts are used in order to facilitate them to execute their sentence.
Since 2008, various development projects were achieved in Rubavu District within the framework of the execution of the alternative penalty to imprisonment, such as construction of houses for homeless families, construction of the roads, cutting paving stones and crushed stones, making bricks, among others.

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