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DCG Rose Muhisoni addresses women at Nyamagabe Prison on International Women’s Day

DCG Rose Muhisoni addresses women at Nyamagabe Prison on International Women's Day

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March 08 is the annual International Women’s Day, at the RCS National Prison and Detention Center held at Nyamagabe Women’s Prison attended by various agencies where RCS DCGP Deputy Director General Rose Muhisoni commemorated the imprisoned women in the prison that the government takes into account.
At the beginning of the ceremony, the theme was: “Equality and Integrity in Climate Change.” Participants included security forces, local authorities, various partners including Foundation DIDE and INTERPEACE, the staff of the Prison and some of the women inmates who first planted trees in the vicinity of Nyamagabe Prison in order to strengthen their support for the environment. the woman is at the forefront of dealing with the effects of climate change.
At the end of the tree-planting ceremony, the women prisoners at Nyamagabe Prison were given a chance to sing songs of their bravery, and by Careful Florence one of the girls who was imprisoned at the Prison gave them a clear poem highlighting the importance of the woman and everyone in the audience was taken aback by the words. “Expertise on the importance of women’s boats in the Rwandan society and the way in which the Rwandan government continues to show them that caring for them in a variety of activities, such as vocational training and skills, will help them to survive on penalties and avoid recidivism.”
He also called on President Paul Kagame to give the floor to women at all levels and to be proud of them, as women used to look like they have been deprived of certain things, but now they are given the opportunity to be sexually active.
On behalf of all the participants in the event, DIDE Foundation Director Mukansoro Odette said that women’s role is important in tackling climate change.
“Women’s role is important in coping with climate change, which is why a woman has to come to the forefront because when the times change there are so many side effects to the family as a whole, which is where the conflict starts and it can drag her into prison and the family starts to face ‘The problems of the family are falling apart, so this cannot be achieved without gender equality, so those who want to be the first to continue to protect the environment are facing climate change.’
DCGP Deputy Director General of Prisons and Detainees Rose MUHISONI said in a statement that although they were in prison, the government did not forget that it was the reason why they came to join them.
“The Rwandan government has not forgotten about this, even though you are in prison, which is why we are here,” he said. Climate change is the reason why RCS has chosen to celebrate this day in all prisons including women in the country in an effort to encourage them to conserve the environment including the use of Biogas. ”
He further added that the International Women’s Day (RCS) is valued because the family is mostly educated by the mothers and that is why we are focusing on preventing recidivism from climate change. of the Republic continues to show them and thanks the partners and other agencies participating in the event and urges them to continue to avoid the COVID-19 epidemic.
Today, despite being celebrated at Nyamagabe Prison in the RCS, all other prisons in the country are being rewarded with women, although five of them are Ngoma, Nyamagabe, Musanze, Muhanga, and Nyarugenge Prisons.

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