Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

Justice | Correction | Safety and Production
Flash News

TIG Camps

TIG Work Camps

Community Services as an alternative penalty to imprisonment commonly known by its French acronym; “TIG” is an alternative sentence for individuals convicted of genocide or crimes against humanity and classified in the second category by Gacaca courts. People under this category must have confessed their involvement in genocide, entered a guilty plea and shown remorse for crimes committed before Gacaca courts. These individuals perform, while under house arrest, unpaid for work of public interest as an alternative penalty to imprisonment.

TIG , a benefit TIG , a benefit to the country

TIG is aimed at punishing, strengthening Unity and Reconciliation of Rwandans and impacting on national development.
Some of the activities under TIG include speeding up the construction of classrooms under the nine and twelve (9&12) Years Basic Education programme, environment protection through terracing, building and repair of roads, land consolidation, construction of houses for vulnerable genocide survivors, paving stones, planting cassava, coffee/tea among others. 

During work camps, convicts under TIG are taught vital skills that will help them when they are reintegrated back into the community. These

They also receive Civic Education lessons and training in literacy and numeracy. These include lessons on the History of Rwanda, Government Policy, Unity and Reconciliation, fight against genocide ideology, guarding against divisionism etc.

They are also given an opportunity play games with local residents of areas in which they are working
A considerable number of TIG convicts have completed their sentence and have been reintegrated back in their communities. They are different from what they were before 1994.

TIG Camps

-Ngoma Camps

-Muhazi Camps

-Muyumbo Camps

TIGS Construction Roads

Kwibohora 30   "INTAMBWE MU NTEGO"