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All juvenile inmates pass PLE, O’Level exams

All Juvenile inmates who sat for primary Leaving Examinations and Ordinary Level Exams separately passed national exams. The National Exams for both primary and O’level results were released by the ministry of Education On Tuesday 1 January 2019

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All Juvenile inmates who sat for primary Leaving Examinations and Ordinary Level Exams separately passed national exams.  The National Exams for both primary and O’level results were released by the ministry of Education On Tuesday 1 January 2019

Four juvenile inmates passed with first division and eight others passed second grades in primary.

Also three juvenile inmates sat O’Level exams and all passed in in first category and three others juvenile inmates passed in second category according to official figures.

All children who passed primary leaving exams would continue in O’Level inside the prison while those who completed O’level are compelled to undergo Technical and Vocational Education Trainings (TVET) also inside the prison.

There are various trades inside the prison such as electricity, construction, tailoring and hair dressing among others

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Kwibohora 30   "INTAMBWE MU NTEGO"

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