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Justice | Correction | Safety and Production
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Welcome to Rwanda Correctional   Service website.

Rwanda Correctional   Service (RCS) is an essential component of Rwanda’s Justice, Rule of Law and Order Sector (JRLOS).   RCS   has the noble mandate of protecting the society from offenders incarcerated by due process of the law.  

The mission of RCS is to provide safe and humane custody for prisoners both under-trial and convicts as and when sent by the courts, ensure their rehabilitation for their successful reintegration upon release.


Commissioner General RCS

Who we are


A professional service that contributes to national safety and social-economic development through proper rehabilitation process of inmates, leading to their effective reintegration.


The mission of the RCS is to admit a convict to the correctional facility in order to enforce court decision regarding provisional detention, or term of imprisonment, and ensure follow-up on enforcement of the sentence of community service, to provide a person sentenced to a term of imprisonment to be served in a correctional facility with correctional services; while respecting human rights and preparing him or her for reintegration into community.


The RCS has the following responsibilities:
1° to implement the national and international policies and strategies for correctional services;
2° to admit persons sentenced so as to enforce court decisions on provisional detention or a term of imprisonment;
3° to ensure follow up on the execution of community service penalty;
4° to develop and implement social reintegration programmes for a person sentenced to a term of imprisonment to be served in a correctional facility;
5° to ensure the respect of the rights and security of a person incarcerated in a correctional facility based on a court decision until he or she is released;

6° to carry out an assessment of programmes needed by a person sentenced to a term of imprisonment to be served in a correctional facility in accordance with the term of the sentence, the convict’s conduct and the nature of the offence;

7° to put in place strategies for the smooth running of a correctional facility;

8° to develop skills and capacity of the Organ’s officers;

9° to increase the assets of the RCS;

10° to cooperate and collaborate with other regional and international bodies with a similar mission;

11° to perform any other responsibility as may be assigned in accordance with the Law.


Ethical Core Values


We respect the rights and dignity of all those involved in the correctional process especially those serving their sentences and going through the rehabilitation process.


We accept responsibility for the outcomes expected of our actions both good and bad.


Rwandan Correctional officers should always stay attentive to all movements around them to notice suspicious actions.


A Rwandan professional correctional officer commit to treat all prisoners with ‘humanity’ and ‘respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.


We are committed to work through effective and constructive communication between different departments and with different stakeholders for a better service effect.


Disassociating yourself from all forms of corruption and unethical conduct.


Rwandan Correctional officers love their country and are proud to get involved and understand what is going on in the national transformation process by effectively accomplish the institutional mission.


Demonstrating commitment and dedication to the Nation, institution and to each other.

Kwibohora 30   "INTAMBWE MU NTEGO"