The use of technology is one of the ways in which the government continues to make efforts to expedite the services provided by the government agencies. To do so, RCS in collaboration with its partners has already come up with the technology to provide services to the inmates, especially in this period of Coronavirus pandemic.
When the Covid-19 hit Rwanda, inmates said they were terrified of which way the process of prosecution will be, and those who were about to complete their sentences wondering how they will be brought to their homes.
Due to the technology that the government of Rwanda has put in place, the trial is currently underway in SKYPE and other software applications.
Some inmates said they were very grateful to the government for this technology, for now everything is done in an IECMS system.
Chief Inspector of Prisons Venuste RUGAYAMPUNZI, the Legal Officer of Nyarugenge prison, said that now all justice systems go through the IECMS, saying that it has brought them a big solution.
He said ‘There are many rooms and computers here in the prison so that every inmate can get the service s/he wants by using technology.’
This technology is used in all 13 prisons in Rwanda.