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Status of kids living with their mothers at Muhanga Prisons

However such kids live a separate life than their mothers during day time. Since they are innocent and not prisoners like their mothers.

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As you enter Muhanga prison located in the Southern Province you find kids living with their mothers, some were delivered while in the prison while others were brought by their mothers when convicted by the courts.

However such kids live a separate life than their mothers during day time. Since they are innocent and not prisoners like their mothers.

Muhanga prison has set a suitable environment to these kids by availing them a day care center where they acquire early childhood development and enjoy their rights of education just like any other kid living in their families outside the prison.

Inside the prison, there is a day care centre where the kids spend their day time and only join their mothers during the evening and spend night with them.

Besides, the government provided the kids with the entertainment facilities and special diet for them to ensure their better growth.

 At three years the kids are separated from their mothers and sent to their families outside the prison.

The Deputy Commissioner General, Jeanne Chantal UJENEZA rejects allegations of females pregnancies while in prisons she urged that, those who give birth in prisons are those that were incarcerated while pregnant.

“Nobody is above the law and when a pregnant woman commits a crime and the competent court orders, then she should serve the sentence in prison, when she delivers the prison takes maximum care of the babies and still have rights to stay  with their mothers until when they are three years old,” she said

The program for constructing day care centers in prisons accommodating female inmates started in 2010 and plans are to construct a day care centre for each female prison whenever financial means are available to equip kids with necessary skills.

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