Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

Justice | Correction | Safety and Production
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Rwanda correctional Service plays an important part in terracing and construction of roads in the selected sites from the Districts countrywide.

Through a working partnership between Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) and Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), the project of terracing and construction of roads in the selected sites from the Districts countrywide is under execution in order to achieve the goal of having all Rwandese in well planned urban areas. This project is executed by inmates or genocide convicts under community services.

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Through a working partnership between Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) and Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), the project of terracing and construction of roads in the selected sites from the Districts countrywide is under execution in order to achieve the goal of having all Rwandese in well planned urban areas. This project is executed by inmates or genocide convicts under community services.
According to the Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority, Mrs Esther Mutamba, “the urbanization and human settlement sector is one of the key priorities of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy in Rwanda with the overall objective of promoting the sustainable economic growth and contribute to poverty reduction in Rwanda”.
“That is why Rwanda Housing Authority was tasked by the Prime Minister’s Office to fight against poor settlement of Rwanda Citizens anyhow and plan with the Districts and come up with the best solution and avail plots and roads before settlement” added the Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority.
She explained that Rwanda Housing Authority chose Rwanda Correctional Service to be its partner in implementation of this project of terracing and construction of roads because RCS has sufficient and skilled manpower, i.e. inmates and genocide convicts under community services.
According to the memorandum between the two parties, Rwanda Housing Authority provides technical skills to be engaged in the formulation, design and implementation of the Project for the selected sites. This public institution also works with the concerned Districts to select priority sites for roads terracing and construction and provides engineers in collaboration with concern Districts and Sectors, who supervise this activity.
Whereas, Rwanda Correctional Service provides sufficient and skilled manpower to carry out the road terracing and construction activities in accordance with the agreed upon standards and ensures good performance of the road terracing activities with competent staff.
The Districts in which inmates and genocide convicts under community services construct feeder roads are Bugesera, Gatsibo, Rwamagana and Nyagatare in Eastern Province, Rusizi and Rubavu in Western Province, Gicumbi, Burera and Gakenke in Northern Province, Huye, Nyanza, and Ruhango in Southern Province. The works have already begun in some of these Districts whereas they are soon going to start in the others.

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