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Commissioner General ZCS and his delegation visit Rubavu Prison and TVET Center

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 Rubavu, April 27, 2021

Commissioner General of Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS), Dr. Chisela    Chileshe and his entourage visited Rubavu prison and TVET Center to review the various activities of Rubavu prison and its TVET Center, and they also visited the boarders between Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo.      

At Rubavu Prison, Dr. Chisela Chileshe accompanied by Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service, CGP Juvenal MARIZAMUNDA, toured the infrastructures located in the correctional facility, production activities, Vocational Training Schools for the inmates, and a special Biogas facility that help in the prevention of air pollution.

Dr. Chisela thanked and appreciated RCS administration for the sterling facilities at the prison especially TVET Schools and Biogas.  

The two Commissioner Generals went ahead and visited the two borders; the Grande Barrière where there is an office known as ‘La Corniche One Stop Border Post’ that helps to easy good and quick service delivery by using a modern technology; the second border called Petite Barrière, all of which connects Rwanda with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

They toured all parts of the border to look at the various measures taken by the Government of Rwanda as COVID-19 Pandemic is concerned, Because of the continued commercial activites between the two countries. Rubavu Prison is located in Western Province, Rubavu District, and it was established in 1973. It houses only male inmates.

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