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The decrease in number of inmates is a good result of efforts made by Rwanda- Minister Sheikh Mussa Fazil Harerimana

This was revealed by the Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Mussa Fazil Harerimana during a press conference held at the Ministry’s Conference Hall in Kacyiru on this thursday 14th February 2013. This press conference for which the main aim was to present the general security situation in 2012,

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This was revealed by the Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Mussa Fazil Harerimana during a press conference held at the Ministry’s Conference Hall in Kacyiru on this thursday 14th February 2013.
This press conference for which the main aim was to present the general security situation in 2012, was organized by the Ministry of Internal Security in collaboration with its affiliated institutions, i.e Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) and Rwanda National Police (RNP) .The main aim of this press conference
According to the Minister Mussa Fazil, the decrease in numbers of inmates is a result of several initiatives taken by the Government of Rwanda which aim at reforming law breakers into better citizens rather than punishing them. They are then later returned back into society as transformed people. He gave an example of many inmates that were charged with genocide crimes being released to complete their terms in community service after showing improvement in character. “This helps them to get back to their families, to contribute to national development and become valuable citizens”, added Minister Mussa Fazil.
He also revealed that 55.800 inmates held in Rwandan Prisons at tis date, was the minimum number of inmates in Rwanda during the period of after the Genocide committed against Tutsi.
Minister Fazil noted that the Government of Rwanda made efforts to solve the problem of prison overcrowding. This is why last year (2012), 1640 inmates across the country have been released and joined their families. Also, the new facilities were built and others extended.
Minister Mussa Fazil Harerimana appreciated the fact that the cases of recidivism are very rare. Concerning the minors detained in Prisons, he noted that they don’t exceed six months without being judged and a centre for their rehabilitation was built in Nyangatare District.
Minister Mussa Fazil told the journalist that 52,793 convicts under community services were received in the different work camps. Among them, 42,572 have already completed their sentences and returned to their families whereas 7,562 are still serving their sentences.
Concerning the healthcare of inmates, Minister Mussa Fazil said that all inmates have the free medical treatment through the program known under the name of “Mutuelle de Santé”.
After this briefing by the Minister of Internal Security, the journalist asked several questions concerning RCS which were answered by RCS’ authorities, i.e the Commissioner General of RCS, CGP Paul Rwarakabije and the Deputy Commissioner General, DCGP Mary Gahonzire.

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