On 26th February, 2020, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) trains Rwanda Correctional Service Officials regarding Public Finance Management Skills.
Those RCS Officials include Logistics, IT Managers, and Medical practitioners from RCS Headquarters, and all prisons in the country. The purpose of this training is to build Public Finance Management capabilities in RCS.
Jonathan Havugimana, Certified Public Accountant from the Office of the Accountant General in MINECOFIN has explained much about Public Finance Management.
He explained:” a finance is anything that is managed by a certain institution when there is a profit in past, present, and future time. The value of that finance is measured above 100,000 Rwf, but if its value is below that amount, it is no longer finance.”
Mr. Jonathan also stated that there are different types of assets such as tangible assets, biological assets, and intangible assets.
The category of tangible assets includes; land, vehicles, buildings, furniture, etc.
The category of biological assets includes living animals and plants, whereas the category of intangible assets includes copyright, trademarks, and so forth.
Deputy Commissioner General of Prison DCG Jeanne Chantal UJENEZA, in opening this training in motion, request RCS officials to be attentive, for it is worth.
DCGP declared” this kind of training is worth attending. I am humbly requesting you to be alert on every subject, you know, you are concerned on managing the public Finance. Indeed, we are in the first institutions to receive this kind of training.”
Deputy Auditor General from MINECOFIN, Evode MUNYANEZA, appreciated the trainees for coming, and told them that RCS is in the first institutions to receive this type of training.
He said” allow me to take this opportunity, to give thanks to RCS for its role in organizing this training for RCS officials. It indicates the willing to manage Public Finance. I wish you to have an excellent training.”
It is one-day training, but there will be training of this kind, where the trainees will put into practice what they have acquired in training.

Deputy commissioner general of RCS DCG Jeanne Chantal opening this training then asking attendees to be attentive for this training.

Havugimana Jonathan a specialist in accountant management in charge of public property management in MINECOFIN is the one who deliverer this training.

attendees are from different prisons and RCS headquarters