This conference being held in Singapore for the 26th time, was attended by many leaders from different countries; More than 1000 correctional professionals and experts from all over the world attend this conference and the RCS Commissioner General CG Evariste Murenzi and his delegation are among of them.
In different discussions in this conference, Rwanda was praised for health program in providing health services to all inmates in correctional facilities, through health insurance (Mutuelle de Santé) where other countries learned from good method Rwanda had used to help inmates to get health service. In this conference the president of the International Association of Corrections and Prisons, Mr. Peter Severin also took the opportunity to announce publicly to the participants that Rwanda will host the 27th annual conference (ICPA) next year from 26 up to 31 October 2025.
By hosting the ICPA 2025 Conference, the RCS is expected to gain valuable insights from global best practices in inmate rehabilitation and reintegration. These insights will help the service improve its correctional system by reducing recidivism and promoting safer reintegration of inmates into society.
The ICPA is a none-profit association for prison professionals founded in 1998, with a mission to promote and share ethical and effective correctional practices to enhance public safety and healthier communities worldwide, Rwanda will be the second country in Africa to host it after Namibia in 2014.