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AST organization give aid of mattresses to inmates in different prisons in welfare way

This morning 13th February 2020, at Rwanda Correctional Service Headquarter, Action For Sustainable Transformation (AST), the organization belong to deliver the word of God ,show the RCS officer in charge of correction and welfare the mattress to serve for prisoners in different prisons.

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This morning 13th February 2020, at  Rwanda Correctional Service Headquarter, Action For Sustainable Transformation (AST),  the organization belong to deliver the word of God ,show the RCS officer in charge of correction and welfare the mattress to serve for prisoners in different  prisons.

The mattress must be serve to prisoners is about 1000,this act to give mattress for prisoners in different prisons within the country is to take care about hygiene in prisons by respecting human right.

A representative of AST John Mugabo, explains more the reason of this act and the intention of it.

“In general this reason to give this these mattresses  to the inmates, came when we visited Bugesera Prison, they showed us the problem of lacking bed for  sleeping then we took the initiative to give them mattress for those who are not affordable to get it.”  John Mugabo says

He continued saying that they have different partnership in different things not these mattress you see today, we   gave Nyamagabe women some under wears and we give our aid other citizens in education like building some room to use by children in their studies.  

John Bosco Kabanda a commissioner of RCS in charge of correction and welfare,he give thanks to those partners and he talk about the importance of these mattresses.

“We thank partners for this kind of aid for these materials they deliver, these will help for good health and safe place in the way of hygiene ,this organization help us to serve inmates the word of God by changing their mindsets in order to help them avoiding reoffending but their preaching’s go in line with acts.” John Bosco   Kabanda says

The plan they have is to continue delivering  their aids where its possible because the preaching go with acts, today they  brought 200 mattress but the predicted is 1000.

RCS officials alongside with AST organization workers at Headquarter brought mattresses.

AST organisation workers show RCS officials mattresses they brought 

They brought about 200 mattresses in 1000 mattresses to be delivered in prisons. 

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