Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

A delegation from Liberia pay a visit at RCS Headquarters, for benchmarking on the operation system of IECMS technology   

Today a group of four visitors from Liberia, led by Darryl Ambrose; the Director of public Information, strategic planning and development, pay a study visit at Rwanda Correctional Service Headquarters to benchmark their practices on IECMS System.

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The Integrated Electronic Case Management System (IECMS), is the mechanized data administration framework, which is planed inside of modernized Rwanda activities related to Justice, reconciliation, law and order sector. It is expected to improve access and transparency of justice information for the government institutions and general public. In other words, The main objective of Rwanda IECMS is to serve as a centralized and unique database for all justice sector institutions, including the Rwanda National Police (RNP), National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA), Rwanda Judiciary (RJ), and Rwanda Correctional Services (RCS).

Darryl Ambrose one of the guests, appreciated this judicial system of Rwanda, that it lessens delays and exchange of costs related to legal cases handling through the total equity, chain from the initiating of a case to its last settling. Mr. Darryl also said, the skills gained will help them in upgradation and reformation of their system in Liberia. On behalf of his colleagues, he thanks the RCS Leadership for the time and knowledge they shared to them.

The visitors and RCS team from Headquarters they discuss about IECMS system operation.
Darryl Ambrose, chief of delegation received a gift delivered by CP John Bosco Kabanda commissioner of community services.
It was the time to discuss on IECMS operational and it harvest in justice sector .
Visitors and Rwanda correctional service team from RCS Headquarters for a group photo.

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