In the context of cooperation of sharing knowledge in various subjects, one country can send some of its citizens to study abroad, after completing the course and return home, this is how five officers were sent to Zimbabwe to follow correctional courses, and this is not the first time as five others completed them last year.
The training is being held at the Chikurubi Correction Training School located in Zimbabwe Capital City, Harare. The course will last for a year and will be given to 39 Zimbabwean senior officers and 05 who were sent by the Rwanda Correctional Service, to study courses that include reintegrating inmates into normal life, studying projects that enable correction facilities how to become self-relied institutions.
The way Rwanda Correctional Officers attend courses in Zimbabwe is bilateral agreement between the two countries to share knowledge where everyone learn from other and share their experiences.

The training will last a year attended by 05 RCS senior Officers, launched officially today.