Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

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ICRC lauds efficiency use of funds in prisons

Officials from ICRC in Rwanda held talks with RCS officials on 20th /December 2017 aiming at assessing how activities ICRC supported over this ending year were implemented.

RCS releases over 700 inmates

The cabinet was convened in Kigali last week and approved the Ministerial Order granting provisional release for 743 inmates who were sentenced and submitted their letter requesting to be release.

RCS dismisses 56 prison guards

The dismissal comes after the cabinet meeting last week approved the Presidential Order dismissing junior officers of Rwanda Correctional Services.

What is RCS High Council?

RCS High Council is the supreme organ responsible for the management and decision making to enable RCS fulfills its mission.

Kwibohora 30   "INTAMBWE MU NTEGO"