Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

Justice | Correction | Safety and Production

The inauguration of the new project of saucepans making at Huye Prison

This ceremony took place at Huye Prison on Friday June 21, 2103. The project of saucepans making which is aiming to improve cooking facilities for inmates throughout the country was officially inaugurated by the Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS), CGP Paul Rwarakabije. This ceremony was also attended by Mr Jaky L. Villettaz, the Head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Rwanda, the partner of RCS in this project.

Rwanda correctional Service plays an important part in terracing and construction of roads in the selected sites from the Districts countrywide.

Through a working partnership between Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) and Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), the project of terracing and construction of roads in the selected sites from the Districts countrywide is under execution in order to achieve the goal of having all Rwandese in well planned urban areas. This project is executed by inmates or genocide convicts under community services.

The Commissioner General of RCS asked the inmates of Rubavu Prison to be well disciplined

During his last working visit to Rubavu Prison on May 17, 2013, the Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS), CGP Paul Rwarakabije asked the inmates held in this prison to be characterized by discipline and mutual respect while they serve their sentences.

Having shown that the behavior of some of them was not seemly, the Commissioner General of RCS advised these inmates to give up to the bad behavior, to be well rehabilitated and to become good citizens.

The partnership with the ICRC helps us to improve living conditions of inmates- CGP Paul Rwarakabije

This was said by the Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS), CGP Paul Rwarakabije during the opening of the third National Seminar on health in Prisons.
The Commissioner General of RCS thanked the International Committee of the Red Cross to have organized and supported this seminar, which aimed at the improvement of living conditions of the inmates and at the capacity building of the agents of RCS.

RCS paid tribute to the former employees of Prisons killed in the Genocide

During the ceremony which took place at Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) Headquarters on 12th April 2013, the RCS staff met to pay tribute to nine former employees who were killed in the Genocide. In his remarks, the Commissioner General of RCS, CGP Paul Rwarakabije urged the Genocide survivors to remain strong and courageous.

RCS received the delegation of the Ugandan MPs

This 2nd April 2013 the Deputy Commissioner General of Rwanda Correctional Service, DCGP Mary Gahonzire received a group of members of the Ugandan Parliament who are on a study tour in Rwanda.

Kwibohora 30   "INTAMBWE MU NTEGO"