The agreement that was signed today is aimed at strengthening the partnership between the United Nations Development programme (UNDP) and the government of Rwanda through Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS) in supporting covid19 response and the promotion of E-courts in prisons and technical vocational education and training.
In accordance with “strengthening the rule of law in Rwanda: justice, peace and security for the people” project document and specifically the output of capacity building of service providers of the justice sector, and in accordance with the covid19 national preparedness and response plan, as we confirm our acceptance of activities to be provided by RCS.
Furthermore, following the discussion with RCS on supporting further priority needs with special focus on promotion of e-courts in prisons, these are priorities for the justice, reconciliation, law and order sector which will increase capacity of the existing virtual courts in different prisons to meet the big number of inmates’ vs number of courts. This activity includes the acquisition of video conferencing equipments for 8 prisons and the construction of 2 court rooms at Nyarugenge prison as a pilot project.
The promotion of TVET in selected prisons focusing on women in prison, this is aimed at extending vocational training in female prisons while providing opportunities to prisoners to gain vocational skills including agricultural based skills and Nyamagabe prison was earmarked for this.
The provision of additional personal protective equipments, within the framework of preventing covid19 in prisons, RCS has expressed that the PPE that were provided with the previous support were not sufficient and more are needed.
In conclusion therefore, RCS will be responsible for activities and will ensure that relevant and sufficient staff are appointed for the management and coordination of the activities. More especially will ensure the overall management of the implementation delivery functions including monitoring and results-based reporting during the project cycle.